Do you have plantar fasciitis?

The Plantar fascia is a thick and fibrous connective tissue that extends from your calcaneus (heel bone), and runs along the sole of your foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs when this tissue becomes inflamed, causing pain under the heel or sole of the foot. Sometimes there may also be a bone spur present. The pain is often worse in the morning, or with the first few steps after prolonged sitting. It usually eases with walking.

Overuse may contribute to the pain, as well as foot biomechanics, a change in footwear, or exercise loads.

If you think you are suffering from plantar fasciitis, a full assessment and treatment by our physiotherapists is essential. Most plantar fasciitis will settle with appropriate management. For stubborn pain, we may be able to provide alternative options. In the meantime, here are a few tips to help settle things in the short term:

·      - Wear supportive shoes
·      - Freeze a drink bottle, then roll your foot back and forth over it to reduce inflammation
·      - Roll your foot over a tennis ball or golf ball to self-massage the fascia
·      - Anti-inflammatory medication may be required temporarily

For further advice, or to book an appointment contact us today.


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